Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ray Hubbard Fishing | 5/9/13 Report

Hey Everybody! Welcome to my new blog account and thank you for checking it out! I will use this site to frequently post about our fishing trips including fishing reports, tips and techniques and price specials for guided fishing trips on Ray Hubbard Lake.  Lets start with a quick report:

Spring is definitely here on Ray Hubbard with the water temps being anywhere from 67 to 71 depending on the weather that day.  The fish are generally done spawning and are beginning to fall into their normal summer patterns.  Most of the fish i've cleaned are PACKED full of shad which going hand in hand with them gorging themselves in a post-spawn frenzy.

Early each day we are beginning to see some great schooling action at some of the normal places like the Jetty and Robertson Park.  Although these are great locations to find schooling action, they are not always the BEST places to catch BIG fish.  Several mornings this week I rode around the lake to find schooling in some odd places you wouldn't normally think to look.

Once you find them, a big sassy shad on a 1oz jig head will produce quality white bass and hybrid striped bass.  Their favorite color seems to be chartreuse.  Try to cast past the schooling or as far into it as you can and reel FAST! Be sure to hang on because when a big hybrid decided to jump on, it'll be a fight!

After thats over you can start checking deep water humps near where the schooling action took place.  Lots of the levees and some free-standing humps have produced.  Creep over these areas with your trolling motor and you should see them on your graph.  Depending on the day and the water temperature, fish are not always on the very top of the structure.  Often this past week they were on the sides of structure on either the upwind or downwind side.  Once you find them at one place you can usually duplicate that pattern somewhere else and have success.

For the deep bite I've been using Moe's Godfather Slabs in 2oz with saltwater flies tied above.  This is truly a deadly combination for GREAT fishing.  They have wanted them slowly lifted off the bottom.

If anybody wants to fill their freezer and enjoy a great day on the water in my NEW 24ft center console, give me a shout! I'll be happy to give you a demonstration of the electronics and show you how to duplicate our catching for yourself.  Thank you all! - Paul Rogers, 214-668-8467,

1 comment:

  1. Great report and information Paul! Can't wait to fish out of the new boat!
