Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ray Hubbard Fishing Report | White Bass Report | Catfish Fishing Report

Hey everybody! It's been a SUPER busy week on Ray Hubbard and I wanted to share a few of the highlights of whats been happening. 

This week has seen some really excellent fishing on Hubbard. Tuesday started off with some great schooling action at various places around the lake and ended strong with a great bite near humps around mid lake. The schooling action has varied quite a bit on location depending on the wind and the birds sitting on or near the shore line. All you really need to do is find a large group of birds lining the shore and start in on them throwing either a sassy shad for larger fish or a tail spinner for numbers of them. It has seemed lately that a straight retrieve will catch more fish with the spinners but letting it sink then reeling only a few seconds and stopping has produced bigger ones. I'm still using Moe's Ray Hubbard McQueens most of the time. 

After that action tapers off the hump bite has depended on the sun. If it comes out quickly and there are only a few clouds the hump bite will take off immediately. If there are clouds it might take a while. Its seemed to me that when the clouds block the light your best bet is to get a little deeper near where you had schooling action and work a tail spinner very slow from the bottom up. There were several times this week that we weren't really seeing anything on the graph but we were catching fish doing a vertical retrieve straight through the water column. I believe these fish are running around suspended on cloudy days and they're not going to sit still until the sun comes out and pushed them down to structure. Thats my $.02 smile

So here's the skinny on the catfish bite i've had lately. I guess i've gotten a little bored with doing the same thing about every day and I caught the catfish bug. I spent an afternoon scouting around and checking for signs of fish and I seem to have gotten onto a pretty good pattern with the whisker fish nuts They've been easy to catch once you find them but electronics are key. We've done well in mostly 30-31ft near timber and are using either cut or whole shad. I guess this is my new strange addiction because I'm having a blast catching these critters smileSOOOOOOO........until further notice, I am offering to run catfish trips in combination with your white/hybrid bass trips. We've been catching anywhere from 30-40 a day and its going to get better once my witches brew is complete eeks I guess I'm a glutton for punishment at the filet table nuts Either way, im putting a scrubbing brush to the test with all these slimy fish coming into the boat smile

Tomorrow the wife and daughter and I are leaving on a much needed vacation to Galveston and San Antonio for a few days. We are looking forward to getting Emerson (4 years old) to see the beach and hopefully she can catch something in the surf smile On the way home we may make a stop at the YETI factory in Austin and see if they have a scratch and dent cooler that will make a nice addition to the SS "Hooked Up" smile Y'all take care of the lake while i'm and dont even bother to look in my slip for free bait and tackle hahahaha! It has already been stashed away in a secret location in a land, far, far away bolt We'll catch yall on the flip side thumb

If anybody would like to get in on the action for either catfish, white bass or hybrids give me a shout. I fish the lake full-time and can put you on the fish. Thanks! 214-668-8467

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ray Hubbard Fishing Report | White Bass | Hybrid Striped Bass

Hey everybody! The fishing on Hubbard is still going strong so here's the skinny on the last few days.

Sunday 5/19:
 - Took Dan and his son out on a SUPER windy day.  Winds were from the south around 25-30mph and gusty.  I spoke with Dan earlier that day and told him it was going to be a little rough out there but he said they could manage :) We were very limited on where we could fish because of the waves and had a tough time finding fish anywhere we looked.  Got lucky and found them schooling the last hour of the trip and made up for lost ground hahaha! Dad and son had a blast but it was still a slow day compared to most others.  Didn't take a picture today.

Monday 5/20:
 - Took the day off due to wind and rescheduled.  It just wasn't worth the beating :)

Tuesday 5/21:
 - Had a few folks from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and we had a BLAST! The fish cooperated in their normal locations and we nailed a quick limit of white bass in a little over 2 hours.  Kevin was the king of the mixed bag today landing a nice hybrid, a largemouth bass and a blue catfish all while fishing with artificial lures :) Good times had by all!

Remember folks, I am Ray Hubbard's only full-time guide.  Fishing is my business and I take pride in being able to put you on great fish in a BRAND NEW 2013 center console Sportsman boat.  Tight lines y'all!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ray Hubbard Fishing | Hybrid Striped Bass Fishing Report | BIG Hybrid Update!!!

Hey everybody! Its been a CRAZY busy week on Ray Hubbard and I am happy to have tomorrow off :) Over the last few days i've had no less than 33 people go fishing on my boat and I'm exhausted! But never fear....A quick update and report is here!

Tuesday 5/14 AM
 - We started looking for early hybrids shallow and found some birds working on a flat in 4ft of water.  Big fish were chasing shad around and it was easy pickens for about an hour or so.  We had 3 generations of the Byrne Family and they had a blast picking up non-stop hybrids.  Brian, age 9, was a BEAST out there and needed no help landing fish, including this over 7# hybrid.  It was actually a little  under the Jr. Lake Record :) But thats just fine with Brian...It ended up being the biggest of the day

Tuesday 5/14 PM
 - Had first time guest Danny and his office team out on the boat for an evening run chasing white bass and whatever else would bite.  We didn't have to look too far from the marina to find TONS of white bass sitting on humps out toward the middle of the lake.  We ended up with a "Sand Bass Slaughter" and brought home the bacon with 125 white bass and a few other species to complete a mixed bag.

Wednesday 5/15 AM
 - Had repeat guests and good friend Dean and his family out for a morning of "we want big fish!" We started checking some of the usual schooling locations and found some bigguns willing to play along.  Ended up checking lots of windy shorelines and found some NICE hybrid scattered about.  We all had a blast!

Thursday 5/16 AM
 - Had repeat guests Jim and his friends and family out today to try and find some more bigguns running around.  Last night we had some torrential rain and the lake came up .57'.  The morning started off promising but evidentially the rain took its toll on our shallow bite.  The schooling action started later than normal and there were very few big fished mixed in.  Only saw a few nice top water splashes but nothing that was willing to bite.  We ended the day finding a MASSIVE school of white bass running around in 18ft near midlake and caught all we needed for a weekend fish fry.  Today was one of the days where a guide earns his living :) Nothing was given...we had to search for everything we caught.  Hopefully the bite will stabilize this evening and pick back up tomorrow!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ray Hubbard Fishing | White Bass Fishing Report | Schooling Action!

Hey there folks! Here's a quick white bass fishing update for Ray Hubbard:

We started off this morning with some great schooling action in 2-4".  Moe's Tackle Unlimited Sassy Shad on 1oz jigheads worked great.  There were lots of boats out and about but everybody played nice and lots of fish were caught.

After that was finished we went looking for some windblown shore and continued catching with the same baits.  A little after that we went looking for a deep bite and after about an hour of searching for them, BAM! There they were! :) We ended up the day with about 60 white bass, 5-8 hybrids (all but 1 released) and even a drum and a catfish.

Here's a tip: If you are into schooling action and want to catch only hybrids, upsize your bait and reel it in very fast.  If you want to catch numbers of white bass, throw a chartreuse slab with a fly tied above and reel it super fast.  That's sure to put more fish in your boat.  And as always, stay off your big motor and be courteous of others. See yall on the water!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ray Hubbard Lake | White Bass Fishing | Hybrids Attack!

Hey everybody! Here is a quick Ray Hubbard Fishing Update:

We fished yesterday with a TFF group including KayakBill, SeaPro-Todd, Todd's Pastor and a University student from UTD.  We started off around 6:30 AM and it was "fish on!" in about 10 minutes.  We had steady schooling action for almost two hours. :) Sassy Shad did the trick in 2-4ft of water.  We ended up landing between 12-15 hybrids from 16-19" and some good white bass.  Good times were had by all!

We had another group the afternoon of 5/10 and it was a "Slabbing Sensation!" The sun had come out since that morning and it really had the fish stacked up on humps in 18-22ft.  The Williams Family enjoyed catching two at a time white bass and called it a day JUST before the rain came in :) I think Monte said it best when he commented that you should always trust a woman's intuition when they say its time to go :) What a great day with a fun family to fish with.

At Metroplex Guide Service we are committed to providing you the quality fishing expedition you deserve.  We fish out of a BRAND NEW 24' bay boat and have all the latest electronics to put you on fish.  We are a FULL-TIME guide service on Ray Hubbard fact, the ONLY full-time guide service on the lake.  When you want to enjoy a great afternoon of white bass and hybrid striped bass fishing, the only call you need to make is to Metroplex Guide Service on Ray Hubbard Lake!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ray Hubbard Fishing | 5/9/13 Report

Hey Everybody! Welcome to my new blog account and thank you for checking it out! I will use this site to frequently post about our fishing trips including fishing reports, tips and techniques and price specials for guided fishing trips on Ray Hubbard Lake.  Lets start with a quick report:

Spring is definitely here on Ray Hubbard with the water temps being anywhere from 67 to 71 depending on the weather that day.  The fish are generally done spawning and are beginning to fall into their normal summer patterns.  Most of the fish i've cleaned are PACKED full of shad which going hand in hand with them gorging themselves in a post-spawn frenzy.

Early each day we are beginning to see some great schooling action at some of the normal places like the Jetty and Robertson Park.  Although these are great locations to find schooling action, they are not always the BEST places to catch BIG fish.  Several mornings this week I rode around the lake to find schooling in some odd places you wouldn't normally think to look.

Once you find them, a big sassy shad on a 1oz jig head will produce quality white bass and hybrid striped bass.  Their favorite color seems to be chartreuse.  Try to cast past the schooling or as far into it as you can and reel FAST! Be sure to hang on because when a big hybrid decided to jump on, it'll be a fight!

After thats over you can start checking deep water humps near where the schooling action took place.  Lots of the levees and some free-standing humps have produced.  Creep over these areas with your trolling motor and you should see them on your graph.  Depending on the day and the water temperature, fish are not always on the very top of the structure.  Often this past week they were on the sides of structure on either the upwind or downwind side.  Once you find them at one place you can usually duplicate that pattern somewhere else and have success.

For the deep bite I've been using Moe's Godfather Slabs in 2oz with saltwater flies tied above.  This is truly a deadly combination for GREAT fishing.  They have wanted them slowly lifted off the bottom.

If anybody wants to fill their freezer and enjoy a great day on the water in my NEW 24ft center console, give me a shout! I'll be happy to give you a demonstration of the electronics and show you how to duplicate our catching for yourself.  Thank you all! - Paul Rogers, 214-668-8467,

Lake Ray Hubbard | White Bass | Paul Rogers

My name is Paul Rogers and I own Metroplex Guide Service!  Book a trip and catch white bass and striped bass on Lake Ray Hubbard!